Opus 28 & 29 Harmonic/Arpeggio Framework

Home Forums (Vol1 & 2) Jazz Etudes Opus 28 & 29 Harmonic/Arpeggio Framework

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  • #9725
    David Grima

      Interested in anyone’s ideas on how best to train to effectively find the target notes in the harmonic framework exercises for Opus 28 & 29. I’ve been practicing these exercises for about 4 weeks and I feel like my progress is quite slow. I know where all the arpeggio and extended notes are for each chord for all 7 patterns, but trying to find a reference for each change at 75 BPM is difficult to keep up. I’ve started playing the root note of each position to anchor myself for each chord and position, which makes it much easier for me to find the target notes, but then I’m not thinking of the chord shape or harmonic analysis, (i.e. I vi ii V). The other problem is that after practicing these exercise for a while, they become second nature and I tend to stop thinking of the intervals and find myself playing by ear. Has anyone found an approach that has helped them master this, or am I on the right track and should just keep at it?

      • This topic was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by David Grima.
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