"My playing has improved so much in the last year thanks to your program. I relate very well to what you wrote about having learned a lot of jazz theory but not seeing your improvisation actually improve. Your program has incrementally made my fretboard knowledge, ear-guitar connection, and improvisation grow more than ever in the past. Especially now with so many free (and excellent) jazz educational resources available, it is too easy to skim many different topics and ideas and never ingrain anything in your playing. I have found that my impulse is to move through the material more quickly but I have purposely slowed my pace down to make sure I do all the calisthenics, etudes, and rhythm templates with enough repetitions to ensure I've really got the material down.
Just spending time doing the calisthenics with the approach you recommend has really strengthened my ears and my connection to the fretboard. I have continued this while also taking some excursions into your arpeggio frameworks system, learning some blues tunes and standards by ear and starting to do some transcriptions on my own. As a full-time working physician and father of young children, my time is limited, but I have found that when I commit to doing just 20 minutes of targeted practice on work days and between 1-2 hours on off days, I have made tremendous improvement."